Translator's Workstation: CAT (computer-assisted translation) tool with Translation Memory & Integrated Terminology Management
for Windows 95 (and higher) and Windows NT
Now Version 2
Ecco has been developed by a professional translator over a number of years
to streamline working and improve translation quality. Now you
can enjoy the same benefits, including:
- Text processing functions geared specifically to translation
- Greater consistency
- No more missed sentences or paragraphs!
- Ecco is great for repetitive texts - but with its Dictionary and text expansion macro features it's great for non-repetitive texts, too!
Here are just a few of Ecco's features:
- Full-featured text editor with parallel text display (Source
and Translation side by side).
- Search in Source/Translation and see corresponding
- Integrated Dictionary Database (terminology management).
- Create separate dictionaries for each language-subject
- Terms in your dictionaries are looked up automatically.
- One-keystroke insertion of found term in text.
- Translation memory (TM): match automatically (optional fuzzy matching) with existing translations, or search manually.
- Import existing translations, either from separate source/translation files or from TMX files (generated by other TM tools: TMX is the industry-wide standard exchange format for TM, supported by all the leading TM products).
- Export translations from Ecco in TMX format.
- Intelligent Search-&-Replace.
- One-keystroke Copy (all or part of current Source sentence to
- One-keystroke number copying, or automatic copying of numbers (and codes).
- ShiftNumber, ShiftDate, ShiftCase.
- Text expansion macros (like Autocorrect, but more
- Automated transfer of documents between Ecco and Word for
Windows, preserving as much formatting as possible.
- True 32-bit application, so no practical limitations on file size, size/number of dictionaries/dictionary entries/macros etc.
- Fully integrated application, no expensive add-ons required.
- Only USD 450 (incl. handling charge) for fully functional product: no hidden extras!
System requirements:
- Windows 95 (or higher) or Windows NT
- Colour monitor (at least 800 x 600 recommended)
- Disk space required for program files: 1.7MB
- RAM: 16MB recommended minimum (32MB is faster!)
Languages supported:
Ecco supports the "keyboard languages" installed on your Windows system (in Control Panel | Keyboard | Language), including those which use "non-Western" scripts (e.g. Cyrillic, Greek). Other languages (e.g. Chinese, Arabic) are not supported.
The Dictionary import/export and TMX import/export functions only support languages which use "Western" script (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish etc.).
For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, see FAQs
For a more detailed description, including a run-down of the new features in version 2, download the file Ecco.txt
To download an Evaluation Copy, please click on this link:
Download evaluation copy of Ecco v.2 (1.4MB)
For Support and queries/comments, please click on this link: Support
Updates: if you already have Ecco version 1, you should download the evaluation copy using the link
above. Before installing version 2, use Settings|Control Panel|Add/Remove Programs to remove Ecco version 1 from your system. Then install version 2 into the same directory, so that it uses your existing settings, dictionaries etc.. Updates (currently no updates to Version 2!)